Organise your study time
Schedule fixed timings to study
Create a daily to-do list that is detailed E.g. List of chapters to revise, concepts to memorise, Home-Based Learning videos to watch
Keep it achievable! Accomplishing them helps keep you motivated!
When studying, avoid social media at all costs
Turning your attention to social media causes you to have to re-read whatever you read right before you got distracted
Doing this over and over again takes more time that’s needed to complete your work!
This is harder than it sounds, but choosing to NOT open your social media when tempted - repeatedly… builds your discipline and keeps you focused
Don't just work hard, work smart.
Know what’s tested and how things are tested in your exams
Revise exactly the way concepts would be tested
Focus on important/tested topics
Topics that are not tested but you’re interested in, leave it for post-exam/holidays
Practise active recalling
After making notes and reading through, move into active learning by asking questions and testing yourself!
Start with understanding the concept, then explain it without referring to anything!
If you're not able to answer it correctly, look back at the notes and see what you've missed out, then have a go at the question again!
Do this for the different concepts that you have and it will be stuck in your long-term memory!
Study by teaching
Write down / explain the concept and pretend you are teaching it to someone! This highlights to you what you do / do not understand
Review and look back at the source material, see what you've missed out, re-learn it and repeat this process until nothing is left out
Minimise confusing wordings or languages. Find YOUR WAY to phrase concepts
Keep your motivation up
Have snacks ready for the week - treat yourself to a snack after each/some tasks on your to-do list through the day! You get to decide the frequency! (There are snacks found in your study pack!)
When you are feeling unmotivated, remind yourself of the results and rewards that would come, and the undesired outcomes too
Write down your specific goals for each subject/module for your upcoming test/exam and paste it somewhere visible during your revision